Saturday, February 5, 2011

Driver's License Security Features Pennsylvania


admit that everything in certain situations can be very difficult to put into practice ... I find it hard to prove myself "benevolence" toward those who do not do the same with me, but we must also admit that it's easy to love and who loves us. I do not make trouble instead, to love all other forms of animal life, even the smallest. This is something that has always characterized, since childhood, when you save the small nocturnal moths by water or otherwise, caught between the hands and bringing them to safety. Lately I had forgotten some of these things are exaggerated but that for some re-reading certain books, I thought about karma ...
Karma is the principle of cause and effect ", which is a concatenation principle that every action causes a reaction, binding, some of them, sentient beings in samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth).
This means that, following this philosophy and taking it for good, if a person abuses an animal, in the next life could be reincarnated in the animal, just to see how it feels.
I do not know if reincarnation exists or not, and so the karma, but I think this idea is still a way for us to reflect on all living things around us. And 'why I'm doing a new experience, I had never considered doing.

hate furs are reckoned to be dictated only by the cruelty human vanity. But I always thought that eating
meat and fish was normal, because it is part of the food chain. Lately, however, I am putting to the test ... I started with one week of vegetarian ... and now I am going to finish the second. In all honesty I do not know how long ... but I will go on as long as I can. If nothing else it's a way to test themselves and to reflect. As long as there are tests you are not aware of many things and what we are used to certain routines at the beginning ... I thought, "ok, no meat, fish or meats ... easy!" but then I felt like tortellini and "oops, the filling is meat!" and then there to make sure that the filling was made with herbs ... even the vegetable stock cube to be ... even when you take the sandwich that the drink does not contain cuts, which prepare the sauce or lasagna. .. here, in small steps only if you realize you put to the test!

un'altima thing ... I would like to always respect the animals, let me give you an advice: buy only eggs from a breeding ground or biological. Those from caged hens (or battery) hens undergoing excruciating torture and horrible deaths in young male chicks.
The eggs from caged hens are distinguished by the number "3" at the beginning of the code, however, usually is written on the packaging.
Think about it, save a few cents more torment to the poor little ... also organic eggs and Barn are also found in some discount!
you link the page that explains all of the LAV, the videos are very raw ... but why give a good idea.



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