Monday, February 21, 2011

Response Of Naturalis Milia Product

photos from the web

January 21, 2011

Yoda worries me.
My sweet little flea has mild tachypnea.
A slight loss of appetite, which is not normal for him.
He's so cool on the balcony.
Myrtle sometimes gives the timid feet.
This is a further sign that my strong, brave man is not well.
She would never have dared him to an act like this before.

a veterinarian.
Before the hypothesis of a bolus of hair.
Then he thought of a mild asthma caused by air fresheners or the product that I use to mop the floors.
And here the block.
For years I use the floors are always the same because otherwise he would have a crisis Myrtle allergic monstrous ...
Laugh of vetrinario.
are the air fresheners?
I do not think there are more than six months that I have at home ...
all'allergizzante The big game for now is unsuccessful.
do not know what could be ...
see you tomorrow with a visit to the vet.



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