Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is There A City Designer Alternative?


Presented in committee on plastic shopping center Esselunga
PRATO. Here is the new
Meadow: tower, supermarket, equipped square behind the hotel,
junctions and new roads, a huge underground car park only. Yesterday, the planning commission of City - Councillor John Work and present leaders, sent the president of the Southern District Luis Peris - saw for the first time the model dell'avveniristico complex to be born along the downgraded. At present the project to the Vice-President John Esselunga Maggioni along with the pool of technical study of the architect Paolo Bartalini Prato. Well done things big.

hundred recruits. Abstract policy Maggioni, "On Prato points and the new complex will be the spearhead of Esselunga shopping centers in central Italy. Do not come to Prato to cause trouble but to give impetus to trade and development. " And indeed, the vice president announced that recruitment will be at least a hundred "other than the led - said Maggioni - and preferably be done on land, "needed to operate the supermarket, less than 130 employees Esselunga Via Valentini (structure to be shut down when the new store opens) to be absorbed. Darkness on the fate of the building in Via Valentini, rented Esselunga: to be returned to the owner but what will become even nobody knows.

A glass and concrete tower. Explain in detail the buildings on an area now almost completely degraded. Passing on towards downgraded from Pistoia Florence already distance along the skyline, the tower will stand directional: 60 meters of clear glass and concrete, 20 plans, the first three wider at the base, for use in commercial offices and the last with the other 16, panoramic bar and restaurant. Next to the tower will rise in the general direction of Florence parallelepiped that will host the shopping mall: 86,919 cubic meters, 14,458 square feet of 8827 which covered over two floors. The ground floor (about 4,500 square meters) will be occupied by real supermarket, the top - in its intentions - will host a large clothing emporium that will occupy an area of \u200b\u200b2,500 square meters. Customer Service Esselunga commercial gallery with 7-8 stores Completion: laundry, bar, pharmacy, tobacconist. Between the tower and commercial center, to connect them, a square (private but for public use) with green and equipment, which will come under the huge underground garage. Not even a parking space is provided in area, all under the earth: for the 1000 shopping center, 250 for the tower directional. "I in sufficient numbers - they explained the technical - to ensure a continuous flow and no tail entrance.

New roads and a roundabout. will be three entrances to the complex of Meadow, Via Traversa Fiorentina , away from Franklin and downgraded through a coplanar to achieve the roundabout of Meadow. If you doubt in your presentation, have emerged, particularly from the president of the Pd
Massimo Carlesi, these included the new road. "The risk - he stressed - is that you going to exacerbate traffic in an area already dense." For the entrance from Via Traversa Fiorentina - but
a study to be released soon will explain the details - is liable to move the wall towards the houses between May and go away before Fiorentina to allow construction of a new road. Franklin on road access will be guaranteed through the construction of a roundabout and there is a widening of downgraded.

reviews. center-perplexed, the center convinced. The doubts about the Democratic Party, as said, the new network access with request for further information (the issue will be dealt with in committee again) and some reservations have emerged on the overall impact of the work. positive reviews instead of the majority by the PDL, but also of the League (the parent Emilio Paradise) who emphasized that the pole Esselunga, on volumes, is compatible with the reality Prato instead of Meadow Park, considered out of scale. Concerns have been expressed by President Peris risk that trade in the area of \u200b\u200bBadie race with the birth of polo Esselunga.
(Feat. IT)

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