Monday, March 14, 2011

Thermocol Bus Models Images

image of dragons atlantis

March 14, 2011

These days I'm playing on facebok to 'Dragons of Atlantis'.
I started a little skeptical, pointing to the frequent attacks on 'King of Camelot'.
But then curiosity prevailed.
And I started.
few days later someone asked me in his alliance.
I accepted.
Now the game is more fun, much more ...
And then in the alliance members have found great people.
many patients to fill the gaps and my always supportive in giving me help.
A pleasant surprise ...

photos from the web

Instead, it is very annoying that I got to the last days of vacation ...
If I think about it ...
But now I enjoy the last days of freedom.
Finish to fix the house.
Rearrange the whole thing and fix my two thorns in the side, who consistently back: the balcony and the chamber of horrors.
I already feel tired now ...
Myrtle not look at me.
He lazily dozing.
blessed her.
The diet is going well ...
For now I have suffered no repercussions for the kibble diet.
Especially do not have locks changed ...


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