Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Aidde Fire Alarm Wont Stop Beeping

photos from the web

(recipe found surfing the web during a sleepless night)

5 to 6 large lemons, or 10 small untreated
1 liter of alcohol at 95 °
5 hg sugar
1 liter of water

Thoroughly wash the lemons.
Cut only the yellow part of peel.
The white part gives a bitter taste in liquor.
Put the peels and alcohol in a glass container and sealed.
Let stand for 80 to 10 days in a dark place.
Make syrup with sugar and water.
wait for it to cool completely, otherwise it returns the liquor turbid.
Filter peels and alcohol.
Combine the syrup.
Let rest a few days.
Filter and bottle.

I miss just the alcohol.
I have to thank a generous old lady for lemons.
Its plan it was loaded ...
I hope that this experiment is successful culinary ...


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