Monday, May 10, 2010

Slogan About Eating Healthy

- 9 days

-Jin Lyu appears nicely in the room in the company of cleric a massacre concluded by saying: "You have deactivated the magical barrier. Bravo!"

Nobody except Ridgell, knows what is written on parchment ... ... ..., and since it is incacchiato with the world, evoked without mentioning who fell into a trap idiot ... ... ...., Decides not to read it no. Except Ailin.

"You can do something for our fallen soldiers?" Calls to Ailin-Jin Lyu-

"I certainly do not - with the answers Lyu Jin-satisfied smile of someone who has already moved the wardrobe at home - but I have left "keys" and he can. "

As was the king's house, the cleric draws on the power of the place and manages to bring with us and Alkatel Apelios.

"Taiga Unfortunately there is nothing to be done. My powers are not enough. You'll have to find a true cleric. "

recovers his strength and also Ailin Balakov. Ridgell is the face for him because there are no cures. Alkatel waiting decides to" ingriffarsi "griffons ... ... ...., happy with him!.

"So where do we go?" Calls Apelios he recovered sight dell'insana Alkatel activities.

"Ask your friend magician - Lyu-Jin smiles - it is he who took the parchment."

discovered his trick as a child of 3 years, Ridgell is forced to show all the text of the scroll. Takes a few minutes to decrypt the encrypted message that is intentionally writing in a deliberately made unreadable. The text says:

"My King, as I have ordered in the lower crypt, will come to you to enter as soon as possible."

Let's start with the griffins.

Alkatel angrily that no one has used magic to heal him, he told her the "who does Ferrara ago by three" and, very unusual in showing an ability to manage changes in complicated spells, that not even one of the Archmage V tower would dare to change, transforming a mysterious "rest cure" in a much more useful "Reinforcement fractionated curative" care that (1/3y) .2 +7 /-12x (5.2 / 3) pf per hour. Accordingly, during the flight on the back of our champion griffin, miraculously, able to recover a certain amount of pf.

Ridgell Taiga carries the body of her down on the animal. Does anyone notice the unorthodox way in which the corpse of the priestess to ensure the back of the bird. (This trick has a great similarity with the use of the orifices of the head elf shaman white.)

flying over the airspace above the castle, we are joined by four griffins hunting by mounted warriors who require us to follow. Apelios commands to your pet to "fly casual."

After landing on the tower of the castle, we are greeted by an "escort of honor" all but large enough to worry Alkatel triumphantly walking between two rows of soldiers. Lyu-Jin and his gryphon have since disappeared. Ridgell maliciously says between his teeth: "You can say it has done away with birds of all sizes, what do you think?"

We enter the castle. In the great throne room, seated on the bench we see the son of the royal king. The room is crowded with several guards and some nobles in tow. The Prince note our wonder. "My father the King is very ill. Until his healing unworthily I hold the role of regent. "

The chamberlain is approaching and requires us to lay down their weapons before approaching the regent. Motivated by the presence of a large number of soldiers, agreed to receive. In the same time we are unarmed, began to welcome us. We bind her arms behind her back and tugging and jostling without any word to lead us in secret. There he arrived, still without any word, begin to beat the holy right. Usufructuaries the magic to be sure, almost simulating a little game of skill, break all your fingers. Then we placed two cells with no grace in wet, dark and smelly.

What to do now?

Ridgell, Ailin Chirico and the pain and patience with trying to resettle their fingers in the right direction. Long and painful. Time passes, the inch ... ... ... ... passes, the index ... ... .., passes, the average ... ... ... passes, ring ... ... .., switch, the little finger ... ... ... ... ... passes ... ...

Alkatel evokes its duplication free from the bonds that his alter ego and the other occupants of the cell. And with a lot of imagination by using a magical light and a little 'noise test to simulate a riot. Obviously no one takes into account. Then time passes, passes ... ... ... ... ...., pass ... ... .... is hungry ... ... ... ... ... ... passes. is thirsty ... ... ...., passes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... sleepy ... ... ... ... passes

  • 8 days

SBADAAAAANNNNNNN ... ... ..!!!!! SPLAAAASCH ... ... !!!!!

In total silence of deep secret in the crash of something falling from the top and rinse so disgusting that it makes us all wince. From the ceiling of the cell a trap door opened and closed by sending a bucket full of swill that understanding of our jailers is a substitute for food.

Fame ... ... ..! Sete ... ... ....!

The body needs exceed the recommended care, and so the warriors swoop on the rinsing of dishes drawing avidly.

SDELENGGH .... A twang is proud to raise his head from the meal to the hungry patrons. A bunch of keys rattling appears on the bottom of the bucket.

With skill Balakov open the cells. The hallway and the basement is dark and silent. To meeting fellow Ridgell calls to wrap your hands using the pants. So it is done. We explore the rest of the cells, but only one cell is opened by one of the keys in our possession. The room is dark cold and empty. Alkatel takes possession of some axes of the cot to replace the missing weapons.

Stunned the useless in our wandering, we decided to look for secret passages. In one of the walls of the cell discovered a secret door. We walk down a closet that leads to smelly and slimy sewers. Sure that our unknown benefactor has now led us to the desired output, walking with hurried steps along the muddy waters. Miseriaccia! The output is prevented by a steadfast grateful.

retrace our steps, looking for tracks that can help us. The tracks, although confused, bring us near the beginning of the path. Here too we find a secret passage. The door is in contrast to the previous well-oiled and used recently. Leads up to a scale slightly illuminated by a torch or a fire over the top spot in the passage.

Once in a great environment partially worked by human hands are a recently extinguished fire, debris of furniture and other junk. As soon as we venture the cave we are attacked by four men rat ... ... ...


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