Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can Irs Audit A Closed Business

True King

8 days

We are attacked by four men rat ... ... ...

After painfully killed disgusting monsters using the axis of the bed in our possession and directing unnecessary rude gesture (is all that the Wizards can do with broken fingers) , realizing that a long tunnel side reinforcements are coming, we decided, wisely, to escape from a passage in the wall.

The narrow passage, built into the thickness of the walls of the castle, winds its way upward, climbing to steep and uneven stairs.

We have to proceed in single file; Balakov first, then holding the corpse of Alkatel Tayga on his shoulder, following Ridgell (who had bandaged hands with her panties, running with the "bigoli off), then the Cleric, Ailin, and Apelios Askew. It is a repulsive scene!

continue to rise. Joints about 2-3 floors above the level of secret, Balakov sees a door "secret" on which is painted with a strange rune blood (this makes it much less secret and more intriguing), the elven rune seems to indicate that that 's ante-room of the King   . Drops of blood on the floor.

Blacov Apelios and go on ahead. The traces of fresh blood continues along the corridor leading higher and turn a corner to the left. We find a small landing and a new secret door with another symbol "KorVak. Made another left turn to the passage forks. Right, the corridor ends after a few meters against a secret door without symbols while the other continues in concentric circles until closer to end much higher, probably on top of a tower. Here ends abruptly against the transition to a trapdoor. The blood already clotted, it seems, however, more Fresh on the door and find a rune "aviary".

After about divination, Balakov try to open the middle door, the one without runes ... ... ... ... .., but as the half closes hear someone comment:

"On this wall there are always too many drafts.'d better put in front of a mobile heavy. " Just hearing these words, the secret door is closed there in the face with ease. We're speechless.

Let's try another door, the one outlined above with the Rune "KorVak. Balakov activated after a rune of "move in the shadows" nudges open the door and entered to investigate. The room is full of warriors who luckily did not notice it. Quiet and cautious moves back and closed the door after breathing a sigh of relief. For now it is better not to take risks.

The next goal is the trap door of the tower, "aviary" .. It is always Balakov our explorer. The top of the tower is a "hangar" where they kept the griffins the castle. In one corner, carefully monitored, are our three horses.

We just have to try the last door,   Balakov King, now a streetwise these experiences, he entered the antechamber of the king. Here you find four dead guards. In the room near the warrior finally finds the true king. Join the rest of the company and took possession of the swords of the soldiers dead. Finally a weapon!

The king is in a pitiful condition. King reminds Teoden struck by the curse of Saruman. Like the famous Sire, this is sovereign as suffering from senile dementia and is struggling to understand the situation. Seems to recognize the Cleric. We discover that his son was to reduce it in this situation to seize power ... ... and maybe something else.

King writes with an unsteady hand on a scroll four glyphs:

  •    key to power the castle

  •    danger

  •    son

  • KorVak

A sudden flash lit the eyes of crippled magician. "The key to using the power of the palace ... ... .."

"Let's use to heal us all." some say in the middle of the pile. "Strength Cleric, get to do."

"With broken fingers I can not do much. - Says the cleric - at most before passing out I may have the strength to cast a single spell. Tell me what you want me to do. It is still a risk to draw this power. The Prince may feel the energy flow that is altered. "

'It is true it is dangerous, - says the magician - but it is night and probably sleeping at this hour."

A brief discussion of how use the only "hit" in the barrel to Cleric, leads us to decide to come to your senses the King at the end of the spell the Cleric drops to the ground unconscious.

At last the king returned to him. The mention to our interests against the shaman prince, and he makes us read a short, cryptic message to him came from his vassal.

" My lord, as you ordered, you will come from the Black Temple as soon as possible, through the temple real

We talk a lot with the king. To resolve the situation, it is necessary to leave Korvak, now under the watchful gaze of men loyal to the prince. It is the former head of the army now retired. This is actually a cover that allows it to be a leader of the dissidents. With his help, the king will arouse resistance and return to the throne.

Taking care with some potions found in the king's chamber. Before operating the raid to free Korvak, King gives us safe place to hide in the one of the castle: the territory of the rat men. Bleached!

"I do not seem enthusiastic about the proposal." asks the king of our hesitation to his surprise proposal.

embarrasses confess committed skirmish between us and his friends.

Despite these assumptions follow from the king in secret and we do sleep in pleasant places inhabited by men rat.

to start shipping in four: Alkatel, Balakov, Askew and Apelios.

When come stealthily into the room KorVak undertake a fierce battle against four well-tattooed warriors. Balokov launches a cunning charm spell. The only one caderci is he who, convinced of the success of the magic, confident approach to his "friend" getting a warm reception as sharp. Annoyed of the ill-success of his initiative by a low blow:

Eye friends .... Now that they are so angry! " and that this activates the rune of "fury" and in less than no time it becomes destructive weapon incapable of distinguishing friend from foe and perpetrating a massacre. Meanwhile, fellow alarmed savage cry from his secluded themselves in waiting for all of the spell wears off the effect.

Despite the devastating action of Balakov, a warrior escapes.

The skirmish is able to release from its friendly KorVak imprisonment.

the face of "old age" ! Although no longer a first-haired elf, KorVak have an imposing physique, copiously covered with intricate tattoos which reveal their power. It is not only the athleticism to hit the tiny group of rescuers, as the great authority and charisma that oozes from his majestic person. This innate leadership is explicated and tested a few moments later, when a handful of warriors, warned Elvish fugitive rush to step into the room charge, with the evident intention to suppress the revolt. Just one look and a few words of 'ex-captain of the guards to get them to change sides.

Back to the king with the captain now free, we witness an emotional meeting.

Now we just have to return the throne to the king and punish the usurper. But how?

The proposal is offered to us by the same sovereign

"We need someone to challenge each other in a duel ... .. my son will not be KorVak because it is too strong and would kill him for sure. It can not be a of my men would not do. We need someone not too strong to kill him ... .., ... .. not my people, that even if no one is sacrificed to miss ... ... ..! What scales are you doing? "


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