Monday, March 8, 2010

Should Work With Chest Infection


... . greets, but do not wake up, someone keeps us .-

Probably another stracciacazzi it takes to hire another mission ....

Alkatel scaccola you with the stick that suddenly ... ... ... ... ... ..


Even Prince .- Shaman

Unfortunately commitments beyond the control of proctocronista not allowed to prepare the record in time to allow a memory of what actually took place .-

Having said this, suffice it to say that:

  • Liu Gin makes a dead cat with Prince Shaman;

  • Balakov, bastard, taking advantage of the temporary inability of consent Archmage, he's fucking the crossbow, the thirty missiles and the dagger;

  • Alkatel broke my balls all night because he has the magic arrow!

A Tuesday ... ..


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