Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blue Films Of Mysore Malige

The Dream The Dream - The Dream

Before going to try to get thick as thieves and recover the two medallions for Liu Gin (who will have the same effect on her of peanuts on Superpippo), we decide to eat something . (who wants my rations? I have too many rations in his knapsack. Ration Who wants some?) -

Alkatel is instructed to prepare his famous red yeast cake, but the room is transformed into an attempted poisoning . (... ... ... .., I also have a flask of spirit of the dwarves, who wants it? I'm too stuff in your backpack, I have to lighten them!) -

First, because the willing but slow defender takes one hour longer than planned, so that Ridgell, notoriously abstemious anonymous Balakov is induced by alcohol into temptation. (I have two bottles of water. For me, too. Balakov Want one?) -

A good Archmage lost virtually every intellectual power in a few minutes, took the opportunity to engage in a strangely interesting discussion with Alkatel. (Alkatel want a crossbow? "I have a small light crossbow with 30 Quadrelle. You are so clever that I think you can do comfortably. Not do you want? Are you sure?) -

The cake is red in virtue of a lethal powder that was abundantly sprinkled mononeuronico sull'incolpevole leavened goods. (I have many things in his backpack, but can not find a potion against injury from irritants and corrosive!) -

Ridgell Just eat another cake to cut with the same knife used in the deadly, for obtain third-degree burns the tongue. (Balakov, want my knife? "I've never used or even contaminated with Alkatel cake, but it could be a good idea to make it more powerful and cause more damage ... ... .. What do you think? Aaaah, you can not use? Patience!) -

mates bastards, then, tend to a thinly disguised deception hiding a piece of this horrible weapon flashing among other innocuous pieces of cake. (Apelios noble mystic, I am sure that these powerful scrolls will be more useful to you than to me. I implore you, take it, alleggeriscimi from this heavy load of power. At best, you can always use it as a napkin while eating the cake ... ...!) -

The Archmage, already tried by circumstances, fall into the trap and, between a cough and a glass of potion, Sbrocca completely and, in order:

  • undresses and washes his habit but, being inexperienced, bleaching and the wrong turns pale brown color (Sanfrancesco Like the mystical, I decided to give up my dress from now on I will cover only a skimpy thong and my beard ... ... .. just be old enough!) ;

  • Change the boots worn with a pair of sandals;

  • Start to donate their most dear to his companions (the dagger, light crossbow, dagger melee, etc.).

  • Watch Tayga, especially the ass, and agree to be his humble servant (Grand High Priestess, to evoke extraordinary powers, has been illuminating your word to make me a new man. Looks like I'm turning before your eyes. Nothing that made me a magician and self-centered ruler has been in my possession!) ;

  • wearing a hair shirt purifier. (Now I take the stinging fruit with which the proto-ape year we targeted and make them an instrument of penance and purification.) -

The companions do not care that much, but are annoyed by the constant attempt of the now very humble Archmage to give them all the objects that the captain shot. (Ailin, my dear, I need a bit of leaf with 30 Quadrelle? No? Are you sure? Look ensure its effectiveness!) -

While Ailin and now are deciding to postpone Apelios Assisi, Ridgell returned to him, swears a dozen deities in the case and urges the idiots from the back of a Roc to the destination decided by time. (Apelios, my dear mystic, I thought I leave here the anti-magic sword ... .... How about. Does not match to my new state of purified humility. No? Do not you think that can give up? So please, take it yourself!) -

We get far away from the goal, because the bulk of the chicken Paturnie and leaves us on the edge of an impenetrable jungle, lush, and certainly very dangerous. (Alkatel is to light the campfire tonight you can use as bait on the parchment they are written on these useless spells.) -

In fact, we are co-opted by a group of leading us esserenculi semielfeschi to their camp, forcing us to drink a foul concoction .-

Seeing no difference with what we usually drink, subject to the strange request. (Dear guests, I have to reciprocate with a gift of my potions ... ... .. unfortunately I do not no more to give you ... ..!) -

sleep and dream. (Ah, how light! Will be my new lifestyle, or that we have swallowed the swill?) -

dreamed Chin, who died along with two daughters, who tells us that he was killed by Strap-keeper who probably evoked by Eceaclpe though, now serves another master, and then could not take even kill .-

He added that if we kill thousands of demons, no problem .-

He greets us, but we wake up, someone keeps us .-

Probably another stracciacazzi it takes to hire another mission. ...

Alkatel scaccola you with the stick that suddenly ... ... ... ... ... .. (No, no, Alkatel, do not insist, do not ask me to take this staff certainly magical. I am no more a magician than before. Nothing that we found, or will be donated to further increase my power and tighten again my character. Now I'm another man ... ...., A new man ... ... .., a Sanfrancescano ... ... ....)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Cheat For Pokemon Leaf Green At Vga?


Before starting to try to reach in glove and retrieve The two medallions for Liu Gin (who will have the same effect on her of peanuts on Superpippo), we decide to eat something .-

Alkatel is instructed to prepare his famous red yeast cake, but the room is transformed in an attempt to poison .-

First, because the willing but slow paladin takes hour longer than expected, so that Ridgell, notoriously abstemious anonymous, is induced by alcohol into temptation Balakov .-

A good Archmage lost virtually every intellectual power in a few minutes, took the opportunity to start a strangely interesting discussion with Alkatel .-

The cake is red in virtue of a lethal powder that was abundantly sprinkled mononeuronico sull'incolpevole leavened goods .-

enough to eat another cake Ridgell cut with the same knife used in the deadly, to obtain third-degree burns to the tongue .-

mates bastards, then, tend to a thinly disguised deception hiding a piece of this horrible weapon flashing among other innocuous pieces of cake .-

The Archmage, already tried by circumstances, fall into the trap and, between a cough and a glass of potion, Sbrocca completely and, in order:

  • undresses and washes his habit but, being inexperienced, bleaching and the wrong turns brown in color washed;

  • Change the boots worn with a pair of sandals;

  • began to donate their most dear to his companions (the dagger, light crossbow, dagger melee, etc.).

  • Watch Tayga, especially the butt, and acknowledges be his humble servant

  • wearing a hair shirt purifier .-

mates do not care that much, but are annoyed by the continuous effort of giving the now very humble Archmage them all the objects that the captain shot .-

While Ailin and now are deciding Apelios to send him back to Assisi, Ridgell returned to him, swears a dozen deities in the case and urges the idiots from the back of a Roc to the destination for some time decided .-

We get far away from the goal, because the big chicken has Paturnie and leaves us on the edge of an impenetrable jungle, lush, and certainly very dangerous .-

In fact, we are co-opted by a group of esserenculi semielfeschi that lead us to their camp, forcing us to drink a foul-smelling concoction. -

Seeing no difference with what we usually drink, subject to the strange request .-

We sleep and dream .-

dreamed Chin, who died along with two daughters, who tells us that he was killed by a guard who probably fake, although evoked by Eceaclpe, now serves another master, and then might not take to kill .-

He added that if we kill thousands of demons no problem .-

He greets us, but we wake up, someone keeps us .-

Probably another stracciacazzi it takes to hire another mission ....

Alkatel scaccola you with the stick of a sudden ... ... ... ... ... ..

Monday, February 22, 2010

Watch Japanese Chikan Movies


Visibly shaken by the disappearance of the dragon and the Archmage our heroes tinker merrily, disgraced precious minutes (but may not know), looking for a way to recover their courageous companion disappeared (argutissimo game words ...) .-

When the question now becomes to have lost confidence, that's an annoying sound that disturbs the quiet of the evening .-

Tayga receives a telepathic communication that informs you that the 'astute Alkatel, bragging a strange and unreasonable, but certainly early fatigue, is in fact apart from the group to spy on a group of demented troglodyte Rossoneri running behind a shaped object similsferica .-

fiercely rebuked the liar, the heroes returning from Oxema the honest, for the occasion, seems much more cautious and gentle as before .-

milanista Perhaps too ... ..

Accept immediately to give us the slop and lead to the place where, as usual and advantageous price of two elves slaughtered instead of one, let us return to the island and the Undead King .-

Here we are greeted by the King, by Balakov and a third figure wrapped in a black cloak, which is now tanata: Ridgell .-

Hurry up and annoying the usual formalities, we learn that the real and Amadori urgent problem is that (the big, smelly and crazy chicken for the occasion) is really crazy and destroying everything that comes within range of beak .-

The King asks us to attack distract him while he tries to give him the slop .-

Amadori, habitual huge monstrosity like all poultry, eat the right arm of Alkatel and he slams attacks anyone .-

When all seemed lost, Liu Gin takes the slop, and with a look of understanding with the King Undead, starts to fly (indeed seem to be two beings one above the other) to Amadori, locks it in midair and the bowl on a silver platter the delicious delicacy that the chicken in an instant smudge .-

The effect is the same as cappelletti and the salama da sugo for Alkatel: Amadori swallows it all, it emits a gigantic belch and leaves happy to make a well-deserved nap postprandial .-

The Undead King at this point:

  • Cocks Liu Gin for the strange action just taken place;

  • Tell a troiaio of things that I forgot (better the next time the important things to tell you in prime time ....)

  • us that the Count and the Summoner is dead, probably at the hands of "thick as thieves"

  • asks us to make him lord of the island and some islets neighbors. We accept, so I'm not ours;

  • Chijan It tells us that (the bitch) has really done well to send us here!

  • It tells us that Tayga & C. he did really good at evoking the phenomenal and Ailin Ridgell!

Now all'Arcimago break my balls and Ailin also tells the horrible truth: If we knew, we could return to Veldern!


We'll have to go to those two fags in glove .-

Better than the King Asshole .-

Even better than the killer who has promised us her ass .-

Apelios apart ... ...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fifa Approve Referee Earphone


Oxema there is, fortunately, we have maintained some rat space. -
Ridgell retired in a comfortable suite with Jacuzzi, a basket of strawberries, chilled champagne, complete collection of tex, with his little sister, younger but less experienced, black elf .-
The cube is satisfied with a rat flaming red
.- The others, refused the third blonde and troissima rat, each for good reasons, they go to bed gnawing
.- In the middle of the night Ridgell cube and with great ease, Apelios attack, sending him into a coma and take the precious opal .-
Now rush the other, just in time to peck and some other useful spells Archmage devastating ax cube
.- After a bloody fighting, the arrival of the three mice in their true demonic form, the two heroes, wakes subdued .-
follow care, apologies, care, apologies, and wine tarallucci .-
Ridgell, for a change, you do not remember shit (except the rat) .-
The morning after you get that son of a bitch Oxema that honesty is what the intelligence Alkatel
.- We do not give him the satisfaction of complaining about the strange guest, rather we suggest now the exchange opal / slop + return
.- In a completely unexpected Oxema not accept with enthusiasm the equitable proposal, but asks us to go and kill the dragon mother .-
Ridgell, only to realize that this duel is not any way the scope of the company is going to put their hands on Oxema (which looks like a goat too grown, but much more smelly), when suddenly the voice I always hear about this world says, "Foul!" .- Now
Ridgell, the term can be more candid reply: "I was not the referee!", then, understand the hidden meaning of the word, the other says that the only way to defeat the vile, stupid, smelly chicken is to use his most powerful spell .-
Now Ailin Alkatel and offer to accompany the Archmage, while others are more timid companions of fog
.- The explanation that the spell could either just delete the dragon (and Ridgell) or the whole world, gives everyone the courage to take the joyous hunting monstrous poultry .-
party and soon spotted the monster, the Archmage pulls out a black cylinder is completely covered with symbols of protection .- With a nod
Chapter salutes the teammates and walks towards the dragon, passing one after the other symbols, with a small flash, disappear freeing up the precious parchment
.- The foul beast feels, despite distance, the enormous power of that magic item, but nothing can do but look scared and with bovine eyes even poultry, the Archmage that begins to chant words if ever heard on this continent
.- At the end of the slow and hypnotic chant only three bursts herald the demise of the beast, for Ridgell and something else ... ..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ftse 250 Yahoo Components

OXEMA The Dragon King Goblin

A dragon everything for us, too good!

The attack, each with a personal technique and effective:

  • Ailin launches useful spells of power on all, then pulls out the legendary elven bow and makes three wounds to the dragon,

  • Apelios starts moving nervously from side to side, then gets hypnotized by a dragon that forced him to bring the opal, and then launch a shot that comes back, then cries of despair;

  • The cube, Ridgell in demonic form and ten Alkatel (Sobh) attack the dragon by making thousands of injuries;

  • Tayga Glad you throwing useful spells blessing to his companions;

  • Alkatel takes the opal and the dragon swallows it in one gulp. It will then spit out without armor and with skin as smooth as that of a fishing

  • Ridgell, who broke the balls to attack physically, run a finger of death;

  • Tayga, which broke the balls to bless, is launching a bleeding;

  • Tayga and Ridgell, looking surprised, they die;

  • Balakov, who until then had only was futile, he decided to be even harmful. With prudent behavior goes back to the dragon, pecking a painful gasp, then tap the treasure of the beast .-

by the Treasury, under the astonished eyes of his companions and terrified of the dragon, a malevolent fog that emanates Balakov leaves of only a handful of dust. -

Fortunately pulverizes even the dragon .-

Unfortunately prune the ends of the innocent and Tayga Ridgell, dragged by the willing, but unable to slow and companions .-

Tayga in As listed at the CGIL, was suddenly revived and regenerated by the servile Apelios .-

Poor Archmage, devoid of the lower limbs and trade union protection, is driven by goblin king .-

is wasting the clumsy attempts to cheer the champion and the other insensitive classmates: "There go on foot? Do not be nervous do you walk? "

Once again, a miraculous shot at the betrayal of Ailin Ridgell cup gives the usual and well-deserved oblivion .-

Once revived and regenerated even the Archmage, who prefers not to remember a fuck, the sneaky Apelios tells him to have three stories, good, bad, an ugly .-


  • Oxema the honest will be happy with the death of the dragon;

  • The dragon was just a puppy inexperienced and incapable of defending themselves;

  • Mother of the dragon, really 'more experienced, it will be pretty pissed off when we meet ... ..

There FUCK happily thinking that, all things considered, there being freed of unnecessary Balakov, we can only improve ... ..