Thursday, November 25, 2010

M Jak Milosc Online 805

-sea adventure in one piece chapter: -605 "krakaen and the pirates "storyline

Friday, November 12, 2010

Baby Capillars Broken Face


Wealth, fame and power. There was a man who has conquered all, Gold Roger, the Pirate King. A legend that he would leave to posterity has prompted many to sail ...

"My treasure? Take me if you want! Look! It is a great treasure! I wonder if anyone will do it ... "

The precious treasure of Gold Roger is the dream of anyone who ventures to the sea. All are eager to find it, then it's off to a great trip. The treasure hunt begins!
Mare Orientale

Monkey D. Luffy, a boy of seven years, one day eat the fruit of the devil that's Gom Gom makes the rubber body, but that makes him unable to swim. Ten years later he decided to sail to the sea and fulfill his great dream, to become the new Pirate King. His journey takes him to meet with various characters and adventure after adventure to recruit new members of his crew, including the bounty hunter and swordsman Roronoa Zoro, Nami the thief, the great liar Usopp and chef Sanji. Several opponents will be on its way as his journey takes him from one island to another, including Buggy the Clown, Captain Kuro, the commander Creek and the ruthless man-fish Arlong. Zoro will also have chance to come up against Mihawk, Hawkeye, the strongest swordsman in the world and member of the Shichibukai, however, that the defeat left him alive for a possible future meeting. With a bounty of 30 million Berry Luffy finally comes to Rogue Town, "City of the beginning and end," where he manages to escape from Smoker Navy captain and his crew set sail towards the Grand Line, which will bring in the New world.

Baroque Works

Once you enter the Grand Line Luffy and his friends are being targeted by a member of the formidable fleet of seven, Crocodile, because they decide to help the princess of the kingdom of Alabasta, Bibi Nefertari, who must save his country from a coup Crocodile. After a few skirmishes with agents of the organization created by Crocodile, the Baroque Works, and to Whiskey Peak Little Garden, Luffy and his crew arrive on the island Drum, where he defeated the evil king Wapol and meet Tony Tony Chopper, a lovable reindeer that thanks to the fruit Homo Homo is able to speak and take human form, as well as perform its task of doctor. Alabasta finally arrived to get involved in the civil war unleashed by Crocodile. In a terrible battle Crocodile Luffy manages to defeat and dismantle the Baroque Works also helped by members of his crew flying the other members of the organization. During his time in Alabasta, Luffy meets his brother, Portuguese D. Ace. After departure, its size reaches 100 million Berry also joined the crew of his mysterious Nico Robin, a former agent of Baroque Works and experienced archaeologist.

Skypiea and Longring Longland

island of Jaya Luffy meets Montblanc Cricket, which speaks to the island in the sky, Skypiea. In addition, Jaya faces and defeats the pirate Iena Bellamy, who had derided for his character and had robbed Cricket dreamer. As he began traveling with his crew to Skypiea, can to escape from Marshall D. Teach. Skypiea arrived in the island in the sky, he and his crew turn against the supposed god of the island, Ener, and his priests. Luffy and his friends manage to defeat the enemy, freeing the oppressed people and restoring peace. Decreased from Skypiea, they stop where they are involved in Longring Longland games from pirate Davy Back Fight Foxy, the silver fox. Luffy will manage to win against your opponent and recover dishonest members of her crew were lost during the game.
Water Lobby Seven and Enies

After arriving in Water Seven, Luffy Usopp runs into because they do not want to accept the decision of the captain to abandon ship, the Going Merry, now too shabby, to take a new and defeats him in a duel. The next day, also fights against the cyborg Franky, who stole money intended to buy a new ship, and against the carpenters of the Galley-La Company, which they believe guilty of attempted murder the mayor of Water Seven, Iceburg. In reality, as it turns out the same evening, the real culprits are the members of CP9, secret government team in search of projects ancestral weapon, Pluton. Luffy tries to fight to save his wife Robin, who was forced by them to help them in their plan, but they are significantly stronger and defeat him easily. Robin is then raised to Enies Lobby strength of the Navy. Luffy and his crew, along with Franky, Nico Robin burst to save, defeating several soldiers of the Navy and all the members of CP9, including the redoubtable Rob Lucci. Returning to Water Seven, Luffy meets his grandfather, the Navy Vice Admiral Monkey D. Garp, and his two aides, and Kobi Hermeppo, old acquaintances of Luffy and Zoro. Luffy is aware, from his grandfather, his father's identity: the case of Monkey D. Dragon, the revolutionary regarded by the World Government the most dangerous criminal in the world and the same person who saved Luffy Rogue Town, during a clash with Smoker. While on Water Seven, waiting to be built a new ship with Franky, Luffy along with his crew, he learns that the Navy has put new bounty on the heads of the members of the crew: the captain now amounts to 300 million Berry, triple the previous year. Finally time to sail, Luffy manages to convince Franky to join his crew as a carpenter.
Thriller Bark

through the mysterious Florian Triangle, the crew made the acquaintance of Brook, a strange skeleton, which owes its appearance to the power of fruit and Yomi Yomi which has been subtracted from the shadow Gekko Moria, a member of Shichibukai that resides on the island wandering Thriller Bark. Here Moria creates zombie pirates stealing from the shadows that captures, as it does with Zoro, Sanji and Luffy, whose shadow creates the most powerful zombie Odr. Luffy is thus forced to retrieve his shadow, that of his companions and those of other prey of Moria. Luffy defeats Odr Moria and later, rejecting all the shadows making them return to their rightful owners. Surprisingly, however, appears Orso Bartholomew, another member of the Shichibukai, which has orders to eliminate Luffy's crew. The courage shown by Zoro, however, means that does not lead to complete his mission. At the end of the adventure Brook joins the crew, as he was immediately brought by Luffy in their first meeting.

Archipelago Archipelago Sabaody, near the Red Line, Luffy and Zoro discover that two of the Eleven Supernovas, pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million of Berry. Following are involved in the auction of humans and fish-men and, to save the mermaid Kayme, their friend, Luffy punches him a Noble World. This causes the arrival of Admiral Kizaru of Sentomaru and many pacifists, who are starting to fight Luffy, his crew and supernovae present on the archipelago. Despite the help from Silvers Rayleigh, the vice-captain of Gol D. Roger, Luffy and his crew are defeated and made to disappear from life Orso Bartholomew, who moved with his powers of each member of the crew on a different island.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Long Worn Ballgag

one piece one piece chapter: -604" to the depths "banner

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Merilyn Sakova Stript


Eplain What Is Anaemia

Curiosity ... not so random.

me I took the picture of a man who, after having clashed against so many rocks, and
hardly have avoided the wreck, passing on a sandbank,
still retains the temerity to put to sea with
the same rickety boat with the same ambition to
groped around the world, yet despite these desperate circumstances

David Hume, Treatise of Human Nature (1739 - 1740)

Remind you of anyone?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Acupuncture Point For Treatment Of Pruritus


Dial mussels can be found only in a white sea, and collected on cloudy rocks found in the dry period. Dial I was originally using another shell and death to live until they split up their operations remain intact.
There are several types of Dial, they can be used in everyday life as a tool that makes life easier, and indeed the people depend sky on them to perform many tasks and jobs.
However, they also can be used in combat, where you turn into deadly weapons

Dial type:

This is registrarre dial and able to produce sound, usually used to listen to music.
Used by Luffy and Usopp Pagay house, and then by Usopp near the ruins Shandora.

this shell, incamera in large numbers more or less from the air, only to be released in accordance with the will of its users. In the gas can also be canceled, so you can use weapons that exploit the potential, as Burn Bazooka Blade and Brun, although the most common use is to start and kind of unsteady forces. It is used by Wiper, Kamakiri, Luffy and Usopp home Pagay , by everyone who uses public shaky and once again from Usop ship "Tiger fireworks during the Davy Back Fight.

dial DIAL LAMP was able to keep the light source, and then release them at will, for example to illuminate room of a house. It is used to house Pagay.

Flame DIAL
Generate jet fire and if put into the mouth of the bird is able to make him shoot fire at will. Used by home Pagay
Sanji from Fuza and Hotori.

Making somewhat moderate heat and used to heat the food, and if placed on the tip of the spear / sword, creating a small fire contacts with the enemy on fire a little.
Javelin Used by the Shura in his heat.

Flavour DIAL Inside
can capture the aroma and smell (even fart).
Used by Kotori against Gan Ravine and to Nami.

He has the ability to capture the image. Used by Amazon
old at the Gate of Heaven.

advantage of this shell is stored in a large number of air.berguna to extinguish the fire is.
Used by priests to extinguish the fire that caused Ener Thor helium, when the Judgement of God sent to the "heretic" who tried to escape from the Upper Yard.

When activated, this button emits a blinding glare opponent.
Usopp use during a fight with Luffy and company Braham with Flash Gun.

Saving energy is absorbed by shell shock and sustained attack on himself, and then release the perintah.Hal is usually applied to the palm of tangan orang-orang yang menggunakan, atau sarung tangan atau perban, jika digunakan dengan benar dapat menyebabkan kematian instan manusia.
Digunakan oleh ngarai Gan, Nami, Satori, Kotori, Usopp (3 kali)

Ini adalah dial yang dianggap punah, yang tampaknya telah satu salinan yang dimiliki oleh Wiper. Bagaimana dinamis DAMPAK identik, dengan perbedaan yang 10 kali lebih kuat. Namun, pedang bermata ganda, karena itu membahayakan kehidupan mereka yang use it, just think that giving injections that reject a normal human being can cause death.
Used only with Wiper.

foreigners E 'to call Skypiea before being used by the holy warriors in the service of Yama and Ener. Basically the same effect and reject, but use the trapped air to produce a very sharp blow can even destroy the shield Shandian.
Used by the holy warriors and Yama. The latter has mastered the technique of Ten Chain Axe, where he attacked the opponent with 10 Axe Dial is set in a band holding the hands extended to the outside network, and with her weight to destroy the opponent was injured.

A call that releases the air with such force to provide supersonic speed for anyone who uses it. When installed on the elbow, for example, allows users to launched a very damaging blow. In addition, only 200 of them manage to survive for about 1 hour and heavy as an ark of Ener Maxim, that if they should get Bilco.
Used by Gedatsu by Ener to maintain a constant altitude of the Ark, and Nami when he used the full strength of his shaky.

dial can be used only in the ocean sky, cloud environments because it must berfungsi.Hal This could trigger the same cloud that makes the white sea, in many variations, and often used by men x to "ride" spray cloud is produced, with various types of shaky. It also can produce clouds that form the core of the swamp swamp test.

Eisen DIAL
Dial-A power unheard of a very rare, very good as a weapon of attack and defense. He emits a jet of "iron cloud" is a knife that deformation with the convenience of clouds, but as hard as steel, beyond measure, and to form a thick defensive wall.